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2022 PACE Applications Workshop

September 14-15, 2022

This event focused on future uses of PACE satellite data, research, and applications to benefit society and support decision-making in the context of water resources, air quality and health, climate, disasters, and ecological forecasting.

PACE Applications Workshop 2022 Virtual Agenda (with session recording links)

Day 1: Wednesday September 14, 2022

Time [EDT] Title
[Click on links to view videos]
10:00 AM
Workshop Welcome & Logistics
  • Host: Erin Urquhart (NASA/SSAI)
  • Goals
    • Introduce the workshop theme, goals, and objectives.
    • Provide an overview of PACE Applications and stakeholder engagement activities to date.
    • Learn about key themes and best practices for advancing applications.
10:20 AM Engagement/Icebreaker Activity
10:20 AM
NASA Applied Sciences: Perspectives on Advancing Applications
  • Speaker: Lawrence Friedl (NASA HQ)
11:00 AM
PACE Applications Stakeholder Engagement to Date
  • Speaker: Natasha Sadoff (NASA/SSAI)
11:30 AM Plenary: Speaker TBD
12:00 PM LUNCH
1:00 PM
  • Host: Natasha Sadoff (NASA/SSAI)
  • Goals:
    • Provide an overview of the PACE Mission & instruments.
    • Update the community on the latest from the PACE Project Science disciplines.
    • Provide a snapshot of PACE data, products, including simulated/proxy data status, and next steps leading up to launch.
1:15 PM
PACE Mission Overview & Updates
  • Speaker: Jeremy Werdell (NASA GSFC)
1:35 PM
PACE I&T, Status, Hardware Updates
  • Speaker: Mark Voyton (NASA GSFC)
1:55 PM
PACE Data and Products in Practice
  • Speaker: Antonio Mannino (NASA GSFC)
2:15 PM Poster Session: Networking Break (45 min)
3:00 PM
PACE Project Science: Ocean Biogeochemistry & Bio-optics
  • Speakers: Ivona Cetinić (NASA/MSU) & Lachlan McKinna (Go2Q)
3:20 PM
PACE Project Science: Polarimetry + Atmosphere
  • Speakers: Kirk Knobelspiesse (NASA GSFC) & Andy Sayer (NASA/UMD)
3:40 PM
PACE Project Science: Advanced Topics (Atmospheric Correction + System Vicarious Calibration)
  • Speakers: Susanne Craig (NASA/UMD) & Amir Ibrahim (NASA GSFC)

Day 2: Thursday September 15, 2022

Time [EDT] Title
[Click on links to view videos]
10:00 AM
Workshop Welcome & Logistics
  • Host: Natasha Sadoff (NASA GSFC/SSAI)
  • Goals
    • Understand the importance of stakeholder involvement in maximizing the impact of research.
    • Explore case studies in successful co-production and stakeholder engagement from other areas of evidence implementation.
    • Consider lessons learned in advancing the argument for community collaboration & inclusive stakeholder engagement.
10:20 AM Engagement/Icebreaker Activity
10:30 AM
Research in Practice: Further Together, Not Faster Alone!
  • Speaker: Dez Holmes (Research in Practice)
11:00 AM
Panel: Stakeholder Involvement in Applied Research & Applications
  • Moderator: Sydney Neugebauer (NASA/SSAI)
  • Panelists: Bryan Duncan (NASA GSFC); Nikki Cooley (North Arizona U.); Dan Irwin (NASA MSFC); TBD
11:45 AM LUNCH & LOUNGE (60 min)
12:45 PM
  • Host: Erin Urquhart (NASA GSFC/SSAI)
  • Goals
    • Learn about NASA and PACE’s priorities in terms of open science, data accessibility, data delivery, and data services.
    • Explore the importance of data accessibility and how to incorporate best practices into successful applications, data, tools, products, and/or services.
    • Learn about case studies and how various tools are pursuing FAIR data.
12:50 PM
NASA Open Data & Accessibility
  • Speaker: Chelle Gentemann (NASA HQ)
1:20 PM
Panel: Improving Access To & Usability of Data Services & Tools
  • Moderator: Helen Amos (NASA/SSAI)
  • Panelists: Diane Davies (NASA GSFC); Peter Miller (PML); Marina Mararri (FECOP); Alicia Scott (NASA/SSAI)
2:30 PM
  • Host/Moderator: Natasha Sadoff (NASA GSFC/SSAI)
  • Goals
    • Explore how utilizing data from various missions or data sources can improve water applications.
    • Understand the benefit of leveraging synergies among pre-launch Earth observation missions.
    • Identify ways in which data needs can be more effectively met by working across the PACE, SBG, GLIMR, and NISAR missions.
2:40 PM
Panel: Building Data Synergies for the Water Sector
  • Panelists: Maria Tzortiou (CCNYC); Stephanie Schollaert Uz (NASA GSFC); Erin Urquhart (NASA/SSAI); Batu Osmanoglu (NASA GSFC)
3:40 PM
Workshop & Day 2 Closing
  • Host: Erin Urquhart (NASA GSFC/SSAI) & Natasha Sadoff (NASA GSFC/SSAI)

Becoming an PACE Early Adopter begins with completing an application using our online webform. After review, selected proposers will contacted by PACE Applications Program coordinators. The PACE Early Adopter Terms of Reference provides detailed information, including review and selection criteria.

There are many benefits to becoming a PACE Early Adopter. Interested? Contact us directly at [email protected] if you have any questions.