Video Gallery
Videos (95)
[29-Nov-24] PACE Scientists Take to the Sea and Air (and Really High Air). Credit: NASA
[14-Nov-24] Land in Living Color. Credit: NASA
[30-Sep-24] Why Is NASA Tracking Seaweed From Space?. Credit: NASA
[14-Aug-24] An Ocean In Bloom. Credit: NASA
[13-Aug-24] PACE Fanfare & Launch!. Credit: NASA
[04-May-24] From PACE Data to Image. Credit: NASA
[04-May-24] PACE - First Look at OCI, HARP2, and SPEXone data. Credit: NASA
[16-Apr-24] Water Touches Everything. Credit: NASA
[13-Apr-24] Our Oceans From Space. Credit: NASA
[08-Feb-24] Launch of Mission to Study Earth’s Atmosphere and Oceans. Credit: NASA
[05-Feb-24] Ocean Color Countdown with PACE. Credit: NASA
[05-Feb-24] Prelaunch News Conference for NASA Mission Studying Earth’s Atmosphere and Oceans. Credit: NASA
[04-Feb-24] Science Briefing on NASA Mission Studying Earth’s Atmosphere and Oceans. Credit: NASA
[02-Feb-24] 50 Years of Harmful Algal Blooms. Credit: NASA
[30-Jan-24] Professional Rock Climber Alex Honnold Talks NASA’s PACE with Oceanographer Ivona Cetinić. Credit: NASA
[14-Nov-23] PACE’s Instruments Reveal a New Dimension of Atmospheric Information
[30-Jun-23] PACE Mission Enlists the United States Marine Band for Acoustic Testing Fanfare
[08-Jun-23] The Insanely Important World of Phytoplankton
[10-May-23] A Sea of Data with PACE
[22-Mar-23] Tracking Carbon from Wildfires to Ocean Blooms. Credit: NASA
[20-Dec-22] OCI: 19 Months in 6.5 Minutes. Credit: NASA
[02-Dec-22] Observatory, assembled!. Credit: NASA
[30-Nov-22] NASA's PACE Mission Undergoes Milestone Testing. Credit: NASA
[16-Nov-22] PACE orbit with swaths. Credit: NASA Scientific Visualization Studio
[09-Sep-22] Time-lapse video of installing the Bus Star Tracker Sensor (STS) on the -Z Panel of the PACE spacecraft at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center.. Credit: Henry, Dennis (Denny)
[30-Aug-22] Time-lapse video of PACE Tilt mechanism moving inside the Thermal Vacuum chamber at NASA Goddard Space Center.. Credit: Henry, Dennis (Denny)
[17-Jun-22] Ocean Color Instrument time lapse video showing the integration and build up of hardware from April 2021 to April 2022. Credit: Stover, Desiree
[27-May-22] Time-lapse video of lifting PACE Spacecraft SVU onto Aronson table, attaching Solar Array ETU, and lifting back to dolly at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center.. Credit: Henry, Dennis (Denny)
[28-Apr-22] First powered deployment of engineering test unit’s solar array drive assembly.. Credit: Henry, Dennis (Denny)
[28-Apr-22] First powered deployment of engineering test unit’s solar array drive assembly.. Credit: Henry, Dennis (Denny)
[24-Mar-22] Time-lapse video of closing +Y Panel and opening -Y Panel on PACE Spacecraft at NASA Goddard Spaceflight Center (23-Mar-22).. Credit: Henry, Dennis (Denny)
[18-Mar-22] Time-lapse video of working on the +Y Panel of PACE spacecraft at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center.. Credit: Henry, Dennis (Denny)
[15-Mar-22] Time-lapse video of installing the -Y panel on the NASA PACE spacecraft bus at Goddard Space Flight Center.. Credit: Henry, Dennis (Denny)
[15-Mar-22] Time-lapse video of installing a Qual Battery on the PACE Flight Spacecraft Bus at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center.. Credit: Henry, Dennis (Denny)
[28-Feb-22] Time-lapse video of installing the -Y panel on the NASA PACE spacecraft bus at Goddard Space Flight Center.
. Credit: Henry, Dennis (Denny)
[23-Feb-22] Time-lapse video of installing the -X panel on the NASA PACE spacecraft bus at Goddard Space Flight Center.. Credit: Henry, Dennis (Denny)
[18-Feb-22] Video of lifting the PACE passive ring and propulsion module onto the observatory dolly.. Credit: Henry, Dennis (Denny)
[05-Nov-21] Video of second deployment of NASA PACE solar assembly mockup wing at Goddard Space Flight Center.. Credit: Henry, Dennis (Denny)
[08-Jul-21] SPEXone’s Journey... Next Stop: PACE. Credit: NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center
[22-Nov-20] Keeping the PACE with NASA’s Plankton, Aerosol, Cloud, ocean Ecosystem Mission
[17-Jul-20] PACE: Persistence and Perseverance Despite Pandemic. Credit: NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center
[30-Jun-20] How Ocean Color Remote Sensing Contributes to Aquatic Biological and Biogeochemical Studies. Credit: Ocean Carbon & Biogeochemistry 2020 Summer Webinar Series
[27-Jun-20] OCI Tilt
[04-Jun-20] NASA Ocean Ecosystem Mission Ready to Make Waves. Credit: Michael Starobin (NASA)
[30-Mar-20] Global Transport of Smoke from Australian Bushfires. Credit: NASA’s Scientific Visualization Studio
[15-May-19] Beyond Blue: Why Ocean Color Really Matters Webinar 2. Credit: NASA GSFC
[30-Apr-19] Beyond Blue: Why Ocean Color Really Matters Webinar 1. Credit: NASA GSFC
[13-Dec-18] Rotating PACE Spacecraft. Credit: NASA’s Conceptual Image Laboratory
[13-Dec-18] PACE Spacecraft Approach. Credit: NASA
[13-Dec-18] Beauty Shot of the PACE Spacecraft. Credit: NASA
[13-Dec-18] PACE Spacecraft In Orbit Over Earth. Credit: NASA
[06-Dec-18] PACE Satellite in Orbit. Credit: NASA Scientific Visualization Studio
[01-Dec-18] SSO-A Smallsat Express Deployment
[02-Oct-18] Invasive Algal Blooms Discussed on SciTech Now. Credit: PBS
[08-Aug-18] Setting Sail for the Twilight Zone. Credit: Kathryn Mersmann (NASA GSFC)
[12-Jun-18] Colorful Coastlines: Coastal Images from NASA Satellites. Credit: NASA Ocean
[08-May-18] Modeled Phytoplankton Distribution. Credit: The Darwin Project (MIT)
[01-May-18] Hurricanes and Aerosols Simulation. Credit: NASA GSFC
[09-Feb-18] A Candid Look at NASA’s "Living Planet". Credit: NASA GSFC
[28-Nov-17] Dr. Werdell - Ocean Color Interview (BBC). Credit: Paul Blake (BBC)
[17-Nov-17] Project Scientist Comments on New NASA Timelapse. Credit: NASA GSFC
[17-Nov-17] Earth: Our Living Planet. Credit: NASA GSFC
[14-Nov-17] 20 Years of Global Biosphere. Credit: NASA GSFC
[14-Nov-17] Our Living Planet From Space. Credit: NASA GSFC
[13-Nov-17] Changing Colors of Our Living Planet. Credit: NASA
[03-Nov-17] Aerosols. Credit: NASA GSFC
[03-Nov-17] Biodiversity. Credit: NASA GSFC
[29-Oct-17] Harmful Algal Blooms. Credit: NASA GSFC
[18-Oct-17] Fisheries Food Security. Credit: NASA
[15-Mar-17] PACE - Observing Our Home Planet. Credit: PACE Mission
[08-Mar-17] Seeing Earth the "Hyper" Way. Credit: PACE Mission
[24-Feb-17] Deploying the HyperPro Radiometer. Credit: Schmidt Ocean Institute/Kirsten Carlson
[30-Jan-17] Wirewalker Deployment. Credit: NASA Earth
[05-Jan-17] Phytoplankton Add Color to Our Ocean. Credit: PACE Mission
[01-Dec-16] How Do We Sense Life in the Ocean?. Credit: PACE Mission
[07-Nov-16] Carbon and Climate Soundbite. Credit: Goddard Media Studios. Music: Molecular by Mark Hawkins
[23-Feb-16] PACE Mission Introduction. Credit: NASA GSFC Scientific Visualization Studio
[23-Sep-15] Earth's Oceans Show Decline in Microscopic Plant Life. Credit: Goddard Media Studios
[10-Dec-14] Simulated Clouds and Aerosols. Credit: NASA’s Scientific Visualization Studio
[12-Sep-14] Phytoplankton Levels Dropping. Credit: Goddard Media Studios
[03-Jan-12] Ocean Chlorophyll Concentration (2009-2012). Credit: NASA
[02-Jan-12] Global Monthly Aerosol Optical Depth (2000-2015)
[01-Jan-12] Global Monthly Cloud Fraction (2000-2015)
[12-Oct-09] The Ocean’s Green Machines. Credit: NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center, The SeaWiFS Project and GeoEye