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50 Years of Harmful Algal Blooms

Click image to view movie . Credit: NASA

Mass fish deaths have ridden our planet's beaches and coastlines. New health risks have taken over coastal communities and millions of fishery-based employees are out of work. To bring light to the issue and show how new technology may revolutionize data we collect the current best data available to show the scope of the problem. As our global climate continues to change, more nutrients enter our water sources, coastal waters get warmer, algal blooms will continue to flourish in this ideal environment.

The PACE satellite is designed to improve and increase the data we have collected surrounding harmful algal blooms.

This data visualization depicts the scope of the data we currently have collected over the past 50 years. Much of it is taken from ships at sea and inland water ways. From this we can see that this is a global issue and learning more about this problem will greatly further our understanding of the issue at hand.