Science Meetings
2021 Science and Applications Team Meeting
October 5-8, 2021Groton, CT USA
The second meeting of the PACE Science and Applications Team was held in October 2021. The meeting included 25 science mini-talks, programmatic and instrument team presentations, team and mission updates, and a review of uncertainties, gaps, data needs, and data validation.
AgendaDocuments (42)

Unified Algorithm for Aerosol Characterization from OCI
Remer, L. (06-Oct-21) 
Radiative Products for the PACE Era
Boss, E. (06-Oct-21) 
Maximizing Utility of PACE in Coastal and Major Freshwater Ecosystems: Advancing Science for Societal Benefits
Pahlevan, N. (06-Oct-21) 
Semi-analytical Ocean Color Model and Inversion Algorithm for PACE
Twardowski, M. (06-Oct-21) 
Using Multi-angle Polarimetry to Derive χ Factor and Improve BRDF Correction for PACE’s OCI
Zhang, X. (06-Oct-21) 
Theoretical Support for Developing the PACE Atmospheric Correction Algorithm: Radiative Transfer and Polarimetric Retrieval of Aerosol and Ocean Color Properties: Updates
Zhai, P. (06-Oct-21) 
Spectral Matching Inversion Algorithms for PACE Application in Optically Shallow Waters: An Assessment Using HICO and PRISM Data
Barnes, B. (06-Oct-21) 
Developing a PACE Hyperspectral Bio-Optical Algorithm Framework for Detection of Freshwater Harmful Algal Blooms
Sayers, M. (06-Oct-21) 
PACE UV Retrieval of Ocean and Atmospheric Data Products (PACE UV ROAD)
Chowdhary, J. (06-Oct-21) 
Retrievals of the Ocean Surface Refractive Index
Ottaviani, M. (06-Oct-21) 
Phytoplankton Algorithms and Data Assimilation: Preparing a Pre-launch Path to Exploit PACE Spectral Data
Rousseaux, C. (06-Oct-21) 
PACE Measurements of Sargassum Macroalgae
Hu, C. (06-Oct-21) 
Remote Sensing of Cloud Properties Using PACE SPEXone and HARP-2
van Diedenhoven, B. (06-Oct-21) 
Cloud Thermodynamic Phase from OCI and Support for OCI Cloud Products
Meyer, K. (06-Oct-21) 
Atmospheric Correction and Aerosol Speciation from OCI
Lyapustin, A. (06-Oct-21) 
Development of Robust Spectral Derivative Algorithms for Phytoplankton Pigment Concentrations on Local to Global Scales
Siegel, D. (06-Oct-21). View the file that accompanies this presentation. 
Machine Learning with Hyper-spectral Data Enhances Coverage for Ocean Products in Cloud-, Aerosol-, and Glint-contaminated Conditions
Krotkov, N. (06-Oct-21) 
The PACE MAPP Algorithm
Stamnes, S. (06-Oct-21) 
Testing PACE Terrestrial Ecosystem Productivity Algorithms Using HICO
Huemmrich, F. (06-Oct-21) 
FastMAPOL: An Efficient Multi-angle Polarimetric Algorithm for Simultaneous Aerosol and Ocean Color Retrievals Powered by Deep Learning
Gao, M. (06-Oct-21) 
Next Generation Algorithms Based on PACE Capabilities to Obtain Inherent Optical Properties of Seawater Associated with Phytoplankton, Nonalgal Particles, and Colored Dissolved Organic Matter
Stramski, D. (06-Oct-21) 
A Net Primary Production (NPP) Algorithm
for Application to PACE OCI
Westberry, T. (06-Oct-21) 
A Toolbox for the Diagnostic Assessment of Spectral Behavior
Vandermeulen, R. (06-Oct-21). This PowerPoint file contains audio and will download when clicked. View this presentation without audio. 
Machine Learning Approaches for Predicting Phytoplankton Community Composition (PCC) from Ocean Color
Craig, S. (06-Oct-21). Click here to view this presentation with audio. 
PACE Programmatic Update
Lorenzoni, L. (06-Oct-21) 
SPEXone Update
Hasekamp, O. (06-Oct-21) 
HARP2 Polarimeter Current Status
Martins, V. (06-Oct-21) 
Ocean Color Instrument Development Status
Gorman, E. (06-Oct-21). View the movies that accompany this presentation:
Time to cut metal 1 |
Time to cut metal 2 |
Time to cut metal 3 |
Optical module assembly |
Thermal vacuum test preparation |
Covid 19 restart activities |
Prototype test build |
Solar calibration assembly
Mission Progress & Next Steps Updates
Dress, A. (06-Oct-21). View the movies that accompany this presentation: Mission summary 1 | Mission summary 2

PACE Applications & Early Adopter Program
Urquhart, E. (07-Oct-21) 
PACE Multi-angle Polarimetry Update
Knobelspiesse, K. (07-Oct-21) 
Remer, L. (07-Oct-21) 
IOP-AOP Models and Data Subgroup
Stramski, D. (07-Oct-21) 
PACE Uncertainties Working Group Overview
Sayer, A. (06-Oct-21) 
PACE Clouds Working Group
van Diedenhoven, B. (08-Oct-21) 
Phytoplankton Composition Subgroup
Rousseaux, C. (08-Oct-21) 
MarONet for support of PACE Vicarious Calibration
Voss, K. (08-Oct-21) 
A New Paradigm for Ocean Color Satellite Calibration: Highly Accurate, Low Uncertainty, Hyperspectral Radiometric
Measurements from Autonomous Platforms (HyperNAV-II)
Barnard, A. (08-Oct-21) 
PACE Postlaunch Airborne eXperiment: PACE PAX
Knobelspiesse, K. (08-Oct-21). View the files that accompany this presentation here:
Field Campaign
Validation Traceability Matrix (XLSX, 5.2 MB).

HARP2 Level 1 Data Processing Plan
Xiaoguang, R. (06-Oct-21) 
GMAO Simulated Data
Castellanos, P. (08-Oct-21) 
Python Top of Atmosphere Simulation Tool (PyTOAST) - Simulated Data for OCI
Ibrahim, A. (08-Oct-21)