Science Meetings
2016 Science Team Meeting
January 20-21, 2016Pasadena, California USA
The second meeting of the PACE Science Team (ST) was held during mid-January 2016 in Pasadena, CA. Threshold Requirements for the PACE Mission, minimum capabilities for the polarimeter, and instrument trade study results were shared. An overview of the mission and top-level schedule were presented along with science implementation priorities. ST presentations fell in to the general categories of applications, science impacts related to the designs of the Ocean Color Instrument and other sensors, retrieval of inherent optical properties and atmospheric correction. The meeting concluded with reports from ST subgroups and plans for future PACE ST documents.
AgendaDocuments (29)

Maritorena, S. and Siegel, D.A. (20-Jan-16) 
Maximizing the Societal Benefits of PACE Atmospheric Data by Actively Linking the Mission to its Applications
Omar, A. (20-Jan-16) 
Understanding Natural Variability of VSFs and Its Impact on Biogeochemical Retrieval from Ocean Color
Zhang, X. (20-Jan-16) 
PACE Project Update
Werdell, J. (20-Jan-16) 
Maximizing the Societal Benefits of PACE IOP Data by Actively Linking the Mission to its Applications
Tzortziou, M., Omar, A., and Turner, W. (20-Jan-16) 
Improving Retrieval of IOPs from Ocean Color Remote Sensing Through Explicit Consideration of the Volume Scattering Function
Twardowski, M., Sullivan, J., Tonizzo, A., Stockley, N., Freeman, S., and Slivkoff, M. (21-Jan-16) 
Improving IOP Measurement Uncertainties for PACE Ocean Color Remote Sensing Applications
Sullivan, J. (21-Jan-16) 
Quantifying the Spectral Absorption Coefficients of Phytoplankton and Non-Phytoplankton Components of Seawater from in Situ and Remote-Sensing Measurements
Stramski, D. and Reynolds, R.A. (21-Jan-16) 
Phytoplankton Composition Algorithms for PACE
Rousseaux, C. and Gregg, W. (20-Jan-16) 
Quantifying Uncertainties in Phytoplankton Absorption Coefficients for Accurate Validation of the PACE Ocean Color Sensor: Moving Towards Satellite Retrieved Phytoplankton Functional Types (PFTs)
Roesler, C. (21-Jan-16) 
Aerosol Absorption Retrievals from Base-Line OCI Observations: Risk Reduction for Atmospheric Correction of the PACE Mission
Remer, L., Mattoo, S., Levy, R., Torres, O., Ahmad, Z., Martins, V., and Gupta, P. (21-Jan-16) 
Polarimeter Report and its Conclusion - Polarimetry or Multi-angle Studies, in Progress
Remer, L. (20-Jan-16) 
Retrieval Studies in Support of Cloud Property Products from the PACE Ocean Color Imager
Platnick, S. (20-Jan-16) 
Improved Satellite Ocean Color Retrievals of Ocean Inherent Optical Properties and Biogeochemical Properties Utilizing the Capabilities of PACE
Mitchell, G. and Kahru, M. (21-Jan-16) 
Inversions for Rrs to IOP: State-of-the-Art
McKinna, L. and Werdell, J. (21-Jan-16) 
PACE Applications to Case II Waters: Quantifying the Uncertainty in Inherent Optical and Water Constituent Properties and the Impact On Remotely Sensed Ocean Color
Ackleson, S. (20-Jan-16) 
Development of Datasets and Algorithms for Hyperspectral IOP Products from the PACE Ocean Color Measurements
Lee, Z., Onderusek, M., and Tufillaro, N. (20-Jan-16) 
Evaluation of UV Atmospheric Correction in the Presence of Absorbing Aerosols, and Quantification of Enhancements Provided by Multiangle, Polarimetric and Oxygen A-Band Observations
Kalashnikova, O. (20-Jan-16) 
Implementing Heritage AC Algorighm for Hyperspectral Rrs Retrieval
Ibraham, A., Franz, B., Ahmad, Z., Healy, R., and Gao, B-C. (21-Jan-16) 
Hyperspectral and Multispectral Atmospheric Correction Algorithms for Supporting the NASA PACE Mission
Gao, B-C. and Li, R-R. (21-Jan-16) 
Bayesian Methodology for Atmospheric Correction of PACE Ocean-Color Imager
Frouin, R. (20-Jan-16) 
Atmospheric Correction Over Bright Water Targets with Non-Negligible Radiances in the Near Infrared
Dierssen, H., Randolph, K., Garaba, S., Russell, B., and Bateman, T. (20-Jan-16) 
Derivation of Inherent Optical Properties from Satellite Top of Atmosphere Measurements in Optically Complex Waters
Craig, S. and Lee, Z. (21-Jan-16) 
Available Datasets with Polarimeter Data
Chowdhary, J., Franz, B., Guild, L., Knobelspiesse, K., and Palacios, S. (21-Jan-16) 
Benchmark Polarized Modeling
Chowdhary, J. (21-Jan-16) 
Atmospheric Correction for Retrieval of Ocean Spectra from Space (ACROSS)
Chowdhary, J. (20-Jan-16) 
A Global Database of High Horizontal Resolution IOPs for Validation of Remotely Sensed Ocean Color
Boss, E. (21-Jan-16) 
Pre-Aerosol, Clouds and ocean Ecosystem (PACE) Science Team Meeting
Bontempi, P. (20-Jan-16) 
Environmental Methodology
Ackleson, S. (21-Jan-16)